How Do You Find Oil Mining Jobs?

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

 by Peter

How do you find oil mining jobs? You could contact the member companies of theMinerals Council of Australia or send your resume to the 1500 differentcompanies around the world. But, youmight want to do a few other things first.
Deciding which job is right for you would be a good place tostart. There are many different kinds ofprofessionals, trades people, laborers and helpers that work at the rigs.
Geologists, scientists and petroleum technicians areinvolved in locating the drilling sites. Engineers and drafters work out the details of how the rig will bedesigned.
Construction crews are involved in setting up theoperation. Some become fulltimeemployees once the well starts producing.
Drill operators are always needed. A large number of roustabouts (unskilledlaborers and helpers) typically work at the rigs. If you are unskilled, you would probablystart as a roustabout.
Truck drivers of all kinds are needed. They operate forklifts and other equipment onthe site. Sometimes, they are involvedin transporting the crude.
On off-shore drilling platforms, the personnel are dividedinto two classifications; essential and incidental. Essential personnel include managers, teamleaders, engineers and equipment operators.
Fire fighters are eligible for oil mining jobs. They are considered essential at offshore andsome onshore sites. When the location isfar away from the nearest city, emergency response teams must be on hand.
Offshore companies sometimes hire helicopter pilots totransport workers and small equipment and basically “run errands”. People with experience in operating boats andother watercraft are essential employees for the drilling platforms.
Regardless of the location of the rig, companies needdrillers, roughnecks, derrick hands and tool pushers. If you are new to the industry, you may beunfamiliar with these terms. If that’sthe case, the best thing for you to do is to take some courses.
It is possible to get oil mining jobs without experience ortraining, but it can be difficult. Thepay is good and the positions are popular. Hiring departments are picky. Lives could depend on your safety knowledge.
Courses can be completed relatively quickly and they arevery affordable. Considering that theaverage oil-rig worker makes between $75 and $150K per year, you can afford toinvest in an education.
Once you have the courses to include on your resume, you aremore likely to get oil mining jobs. Asit is with any industry, well-trained and experienced people have the bestchances of getting the job. ( jobs employment )
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