How to Locate My Personal Employment History Free

Thursday, 11 November 2010

   *Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job
By jcmayer777again, eHow Member
Locating my personal employment history for free is not that hard, but it will take you a little time. There are sites out there that will do this for you, but you can be assured that they will charge you a fee. Why should you pay someone else to locate this for you? It's very easy to do on your own. All you really need to do is put a little time into it. Locating my personal employment history is not hard. You can locate it for free.


  1. 1
    Make a list of all your past jobs. Locating my personal employment history is not hard, if you get organized. You should not try to locate it before you have your list made, or it will be confusing. Make the list, going back as far as you would like. Some like to locate personal employment history through their entire life, while others try locating for a specific time frame only. How ever you wish to go, make you list on a piece of paper for easy reference. Locating your personal employment history will be easy. Here's how to locate the rest for free on your own.
  2. 2
    Search for past employers online. Locating your personal employment history is very easy this way. You will find you can locate the past jobs online, so you can get contact information like phone numbers and addresses. Using your same list, write the information you are able to locate online by the appropriate past job. Be sure to keep the list organized, so it's easy to follow. Once you have all the contact information, you can begin locating your personal employment history free of charge in no time. Here's what to do next.
  3. 3
    Call the appropriate locations you were able to locate. When locating your personal employment history, you will want to get some basic information. Ask for the date of employment, rates of pay, and any other information. When you are locating your personal employment history, you'll want to get as much information as you can. You may even want to request a copy of your personnel file. In some cases, the person that answers the phone may not be able to help you. Many companies have central headquarters where this type of information is kept. You can still locate the information, it just means a few more calls. You will need to do this for each and every job within the specific time frame.
  4. 4
    Record all information. When you spend all that time locating your personal employment history for free, you will want to have it all available, so you don't need to locate it again. This will make future use much easier. It may even be wise to copy the information from your personnel file, so you don't have to go through the entire process again. Locating your personal employment history for free can be done. It will take some time to locate all of the information you need.

Read more: How to Locate My Personal Employment History Free | eHow.com